The Food Court Menu Calls For Costco Bakery Hack Shoppers

Although Costco’s food court is well-known for its reasonably priced meals and snacks, some of the tastiest delicacies could originate from innovative ideas. Costco bakery employee, a Reddit member, recently posted their original dessert dish, drawing interest from numerous wholesale chain aficionados.

Though it sounds delicious, you might need a Costco job to make this bakery hack possible combining the renowned raspberry rolls with cream cheese filling! We have you covered with ideas on replicating these tasty tricks at home if you’re ready to savor these great delicacies without going through the application procedure.

The Absolute Cookie Sundae

Costco’s food court has a range of appealing choices, and among them is a fan-favorite combo: the chocolate chip cookie teamed with a hot fudge sundae. A great approach to savor two traditional sweets in one is with this combo!

Combining these two delicacies produces the best flavor and satisfaction-oriented cookie sundae. Set the warm chocolate chip cookie in a dish, top with a liberal dollop of vanilla ice cream, and drizzle hot fudge. Food court buffs love this clever trick, a must-try on your next trip.

The Hack Using Raspberry Rolls

With their original concoction incorporating Costco’s raspberry buns and cream cheese filling, the bakery hack posted by employee elevates things. The Redditor claims that this decadent delight is “only possible working there,” suggesting that the regular food court menu does not have this great mix.

Still, it seems like a delight many would want to see in stores. The Reddit community responded largely favorably, recommending email businesses and presenting this sweet treat as a possible menu item.

You’re not alone if you think this raspberry roll creation sounds tempting. Many readers expressed their desire for these bespoke baked delicacies to be sold at Costco’s food court.

More Sweet Hacks Made by Costco Employees

The creative talent continues beyond that. Another Reddit member posted their delicious treat and claimed to work at Costco. This worker likes creating a unique treat by sandwiching the cream cheese icing from the little carrot cakes between two little chocolate chip cookies.

Many would find it difficult to resist the wonderful contrast this mix of tastes presents sweet and creamy frosting with crunchy chocolate chip cookies.

User responded with another of their own creations: a croissant topped with fresh strawberries and Costco’s peanut butter pie filling. This mix sounds not only great but also a great approach to combining traditional tastes in an original way. Costco staff have a taste for dessert ingenuity because such creative ideas are floating around!

The Prospective New Menu Item List

Although Costco is well-known for its traditional food court menu, there have been some tweaks lately. Churros were eliminated, for example, to provide room for a new double chocolate chunk biscuit. Earlier in the year, the roast beef sandwich was replaced by a turkey sandwich; later, August saw a chicken and bacon sandwich take front stage. This continuous change of the food court menu begs the issue: may inventive bakery hack finally find expression on the official menu?

Costco’s food court fans have cause for hope, even if there is no certainty. Should the Redditor decide to present their great concept to the business, these delicacies will likely soon be on the menu. Even so, it can take some time before they show up even if it gets the all-clear.

Making These Bakery Hacks Right at Home

In the interim, you won’t have to wait for Costco to choose new menu items to savor these mouthwatering delicacies. You may duplicate these home bakery tips with enough imagination. Here’s how to create the cheesecake mousse filling and raspberry roll without asking Costco for a job application.

Components for Raspberry Rolls:

  • Buns for Raspberry Morning: Get some of Costco’s raspberry morning buns, which include a croissant-like pastry stuffed with raspberry sweetness covered in granulated sugar. You can search your grocery shop for pastries if you do not discover these buns at your neighborhood Costco.
  • Cheesecake Mousse Filling: Mixing cream cheese, powdered sugar, and whipped cream will produce a basic cheesecake mousse filling.


  • Eight softened ounces of cream cheese
  • One cup of grounded sugar
  • One teaspoon of vanilla essence.
  • One cup of heavy whirling cream


  • Beat softened cream cheese till smooth in a mixing basin.
  • Add the powdered sugar and vanilla extract gradually, mixing until thoroughly blended.
  • Whip the heavy cream until soft peaks develop in another dish.
  • Fold the whipped cream gently into the cream cheese mixture until well blended.

Putting Together Your Bakery Hack

  • Starting with the raspberry morning buns, cut them horizontally halfway.
  • On the bottom half of every bun, liberally cover each with your cheesecake mousse filling.
  • Revers the top half back on and savor your handmade raspberry roll with cream cheese filling!


Costco’s food court is a veritable gold mine of delicious cuisine; with enough imagination, you can copy some of the best-kept secrets passed among staff members. There are many great ideas to investigate, whether you’re making original sweets from the bakery or mixing a cookie with a sundae.

You may taste these delicious delicacies right now at home, even though we might have to wait to see whether the raspberry roll and cream cheese filling formally introduce itself at the Costco food court. So remember to pick some raspberry morning buns and create your delicious bakery tricks next time you’re at Costco!

READ MORE: The Unhealthiest Foods You Can Order At A Costco Food Court

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