Only One of the Six Cream Cheeses I Tried Is Deserving of Your Bagel

Bagels and cream cheese were my morning fare in high school. Conveniently situated on my way to school, there was a neighborhood bagel store where I would stop almost every morning to get my preferred breakfast a warm, toasted bagel with a liberal smear of cream cheese.

I would go to the frozen bagels we kept at home when I was running short. I would toss one in the toaster, get my preferred cream cheese fast, slosh it on, and leave the house. It was more than just the bagel; the experience depended critically on the cream cheese.

Why am I so good at knowing cream cheese? After years of bagel-eating, I can boldly claim that lousy cream cheese ruins the experience. There is nothing worse than biting into a bagel topped with flavorless, plasticky-tasting cream cheese.

I set out to rank six different cream cheese products to save anyone from such a letdown. I tried plain and bagels using a combination of well-known and store-brand cream cheeses, then graded them based on flavor, creaminess, and general quality.

1. Whole Foods 365 Cream Cheese: Not Bad, but Not Memorable

I usually go to Whole Foods for premium goods, so I had great expectations for their store-brand cream cheese. Sadly, it fell somewhat short of those expectations. It wasn’t terrible; it simply lacked taste or unique character.

The cream cheese tasted somewhat weak, so spreading it over a bagel did not substantially improve the whole experience.

Still, I think this cream cheese has someplace. If you’re using it in baked products or recipes where the cream cheese isn’t the centerpiece, its neutral taste might even be a bonus.

Consider cheesecake, icing, or as a component in a dip; it’s light enough to not overwhelm the other tastes. Regarding a bagel top, though? Simply said, this one lacked the flair I needed.


  • Mild flavor that works well in cooking or baking
  • Perfect texture


  • Not the tang and richness I desire in a bagel spread.

2. Dutch Farms Cream Cheese: Sharp, but Lacking in Creaminess

Next on the schedule is Dutch Farms Cream Cheese, a brand I had not sampled before. This cream cheese was harsh and sour on its own, which I quite liked.

Once I tried it on a bagel, I considered it a formidable competitor, but to my surprise, the taste decreased with spreading. It was smooth but not as creamy as I had hoped especially in relation to the other brands I sampled.

Although this cream cheese was generally passable, it did not stand out. Its strong taste had promise, but its lack of creaminess and the way it subdued itself when combined with a bagel destroyed a few pegs in my ranking.


  • Sharp, tangy flavor
  • Smooth consistency


  • Flavor fades when spread on a bagel
  • Not as creamy as others

3. Organic Valley Cream Cheese: A Salty, Zippy Option

One delightful discovery was organic Valley cream cheese. It tasted fantastic as a bagel; it had a sour, acidic taste that I truly loved. The fact that this one wasn’t as creamy as I would have wanted my cream cheese to be is why it isn’t scoring higher.

I enjoy a luxurious cream cheese on a warm, toasted bagel. This one missed the luscious creaminess I yearned for, but it tasted what I wanted. Still, it’s a good choice, particularly if you want a more zesty, salted cream cheese.


  • Salty and tangy, with a great flavor profile
  • Tastes good on its own or on a bagel


  • Could be creamier

4. Tillamook Cream Cheese: Ultra Creamy, but Lacking in Tang

I had great expectations for Tillamook, and it most definitely delivered in terms of creaminess. This cream cheese was the creamiest of all the creams I sampled.

Rich and decadent, it evenly and effortlessly covered my bagel. You’ll adore this one if you enjoy ultra-creamy, luscious cream cheese.

One thing lacking, though, was the acidic taste I would have associated with cream cheese. Though this one was more on the light side, Tillamook was absolutely great.

I enjoy my cream cheese with a bit of a bite. Still, Tillamook is a great choice if tanginess isn’t a top concern. It is worth tasting only for its creamy smoothness.


  • Incredibly creamy and indulgent
  • Spreads smoothly on a bagel


  • Lacks the tangy flavor I expect in cream cheese

5. Trader Joe’s Cream Cheese: The Perfect Combination of Creamy and Tangy

My first response upon sampling one really excellent cream cheese from Trader Joe’s was, “Yum!” Spread over a bagel, it was a treat because of its ideal mix of creaminess and tanginess. It would be great to eat this cream cheese straight off the knife.

Not only does it taste tart the way I want it, but it’s also creamy enough to please those who want a rich, smooth texture. Whether spreading it on a bagel, following a recipe, or enjoying it alone, this adaptable cream cheese performs great in any scenario.

This one is difficult to top, and the only reason it fell short was that my #1 choice had a minor advantage from familiarity and nostalgia.


  • Perfect combination of tangy and creamy
  • Tastes great on bagels and on its own


  • Not as widely available as other brands

6. Philadelphia Cream Cheese: The Gold Standard

For a reason, Philadelphia is the cream cheese brand you nearly always find in practically every grocery store. It’s the gold standard for good reason: it’s great, dependable, and always provides taste and texture. Philadelphia cream cheese is very creamy and has the traditional sour, salted taste I connect with cream cheese.

This cream cheese tastes just like that. My mother usually purchased this. Hence, some nostalgia is obviously involved here, but Philadelphia rules supreme even without that.

Philadelphia cream cheese is only the finest whether you’re using it in a cheesecake, on a bagel, or in your creations. It is tangy, creamy, and exactly balanced. It hits all the criteria.


  • Tangy, salty, and flavorful
  • Creamy texture that spreads easily
  • Reliable and widely available


  • None—it’s the best!


Regarding cream cheese, the ideal option will depend on your intended use. Tillamook might be the one for you if you prioritize creaminess over anything else. Trader Joe’s is a great choice if you want a mix of creaminess and tanginess. Philadelphia is still the champion in my book if you want the all-around greatest cream cheese with a traditional taste.

Whatever brand you choose, there’s nothing like a toasted bagel topped with a liberal slosh of cream cheese to start your morning.

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