Customers at Costco Express Dissatisfaction About Soft and Moldy Fruits and Vegetables

Many consumers have long considered Costco their go-to store because of its extensive bulk inventory and affordable rates. On the other hand, the produce department has frequently come under fire.

Customers have long complained about the quality and freshness of Costco’s fruits and vegetables, and a current wave of complaints has brought attention to persistent problems that the company has not yet successfully addressed in 2024.

A Fresh Wave of Disapproval

When a customer expressed their displeasure with the condition of Costco’s vegetables on Reddit, the most recent wave of criticism got underway. In a rapidly viral post, the user lamented, “Is there a reason for this, or is it just bad luck? “. A lot of squishy, rotten items, and not very good pricing either.

The last four visits were rather lackluster. With over 450 comments, this post proved popular among Costco members and showed that customers are generally concerned about the problems with the produce area rather than being isolated occurrences.

Many commenters shared their personal bad experiences. I can confirm, said a customer. I’ve purchased raspberries and strawberries that don’t ripen in the refrigerator’s fruit drawer after 48 hours. Another person threw in a little cynicism when they said, “They sold grapes last week for $5.99 they had obvious white mold on them. What a bargain!”

Diverse Experiences with Retailers

Despite the critical comments, not all consumers have had unfavorable experiences with Costco’s produce. A few customers defended the quality of the fruits and veggies while expressing happiness with their purchases.

“I have had great experience with Costco produce across the board,” a reviewer said. I receive fresh produce kept in my refrigerator for a long time often more than a week.

This discrepancy in experiences implies that whereas some customers may have consistently experienced problems with quality, others may have had good luck with their Costco vegetable purchases.

Persistent Issues Inducing a Shift in Consumer Behavior

Some customers have changed purchasing patterns due to ongoing concerns over Costco’s vegetables. One Redditor wrote, “I still love Costco, but they have a ‘no produce’ rule,” for example. We’re lucky if it survives five days after we bring it home. I thus completely concur with the slumping idea.

This suggests that some consumers’ displeasure with the produce has been so severe that they no longer purchase fruits and vegetables from Costco.

Although these opinions are not new, they have recently come up again about other grievances about different things the store sells. The continuous feedback highlights a notable discrepancy between the caliber of fruit offered at Costco and customer expectations.

A More General Trend: Consumer Opinion on Costco’s Products

Shoppers have been complaining about more than just Costco’s fruit in recent months. The supermarket attracted criticism when it debuted a new butter chicken with naan bread meal set in its deli area last month.

Consumers bemoaned the flavor, calling it “very meh,” and expressed concerns about the cost, pointing out that it was $5.99 per pound. A Redditor expressed disappointment with several of Costco’s latest products, saying, “I wouldn’t buy this at $5.99, let alone $5.99 a pound.” Other Redditors share this feeling.

Customer discontent is rising, emphasizing Costco’s difficulties in maintaining product quality throughout its offerings. Even though the store is renowned for providing good pricing, the produce department remains a topic of contention that might undermine general consumer loyalty.

The Value of Recently Harvested Food

A balanced diet must include fresh fruits and vegetables, and consumers want products of the highest caliber when they purchase them.

Produce that deteriorates rapidly or isn’t fresh can be frustrating and wasteful. Buying inferior fruit may greatly influence meal planning and total shopping spending for many families, especially those on a tight budget.

Therefore, stores like Costco must address these issues and devise workable solutions to raise the caliber of their produce. Ensuring clients obtain the finest items available may entail more frequent inventory turnover, improved sourcing procedures, or tougher quality control techniques.

Looking for Answers: How Costco Can Get Better

In light of the ongoing input from consumers, what actions can Costco take to resolve the issues with their produce? Here are some possible approaches:

  • Improved Quality Control: Stricter quality inspections of fresh food can help find and eliminate inferior products before they are placed on the shelves.
  • Supplier Partnerships: By building solid ties with dependable suppliers, Costco can guarantee that it always has the highest-caliber produce and fruits.
  • Mechanisms for Customer Feedback: Encouraging customers to express their thoughts and experiences can yield insightful information for enhancements and show that the store is paying attention to its patrons.
  • Better Packaging: More effective packaging may help fresh products last longer, minimizing waste and spoilage.


To sum up, the continuous grievances raised by customers over Costco’s produce underscore a serious issue that the store has to resolve. Even if there have been some happy customers, there are just too many unfavorable reviews to overlook.

Through prioritizing quality enhancement and attentively considering customer input, Costco may endeavor to restore customer confidence in its fresh produce offerings.

It will be crucial for Costco to prioritize the caliber of its produce selections as it develops and adjusts to changing consumer demands. Fresh produce is a must for many shopping lists, and keeping Costco customers happy and loyal may be achieved by ensuring that they live up to expectations.

Observing how Costco reacts to customers’ complaints and whether the produce area will improve in the future would be intriguing.

READ MORE: Big Price Changes at Costco, Discover the New Deals on Your Favorite Items

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