Forget Dirty Soda, This New 1-Ingredient Diet Coke Upgrade Is Creating Online Storm

Some shows become cultural events in the huge terrain of streaming television, drawing viewers and starting debates on social media. Now airing on Hulu, one such program is The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives.

This series has connected with viewers and piqued fresh interest in a quirky fad that has gone viral on the internet: filthy soda. It provides a window into the life of a group of famous Mormon women.

What is Dirty Soda?

For those unfamiliar with this unusual mix, filthy soda is a decadent beverage combining cream, flavored syrups, and soda. Dirty soda first originated in Utah, where Latter-day Saints (LDS) followers of the Church of Jesus Christ have long favored it.

Soda has grown to be a preferred substitute for many in the community as the church’s policies forbid the drinking of alcohol, coffee, and tea.

Usually cola but sometimes root beer or citrus-flavored soda, filthy soda consists of a base soda combined with flavored syrups and cream to create a creamy and sweet treat appealing to individuals with a sweet tooth.

Though it might not be a mainstay in other areas of the nation, filthy soda has found a place, especially among young people and families in Utah.

An Inside View of the Show

Examining the everyday realities of four core protagonists as they negotiate parenting, social media impact, and cultural quirks of their faith, The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives explores how Viewers are treated to visuals in one unforgettable episode of the cast visiting Swig, a well-known soda business focused on filthy drinks.

A remarkable 44-ounce cup loaded with Mountain Dew, mango purée, strawberry purée, and coconut cream dominated one of the orders on the show. It perfectly captures the imagination and decadence that filthy drinks may inspire.

One of the show’s stars, Jessi Ngatikaura, notes Utah’s soda store scene and says, “There’s one on every corner.” This remark emphasizes the frequency of soda stores in the area and the social side of dirty soda culture. Friends and relatives assemble in these stores, therefore strengthening the feeling of community.

The Emerging New Protein Diet Coke Trend

Due to the show’s rising popularity, social media users have embraced the filthy soda movement by replicating the beverages shown on the show and distributing their own original adaptations. However, a new fad has evolved, advancing the traditional dirty soda idea by including protein shakes.

Dubbed “protein Diet Coke,” this craze has been popular on TikHub, where influencers show videos of their creations.

Rebecca Gordon, a TikHub user, first proposed the concept, showing a blend of Diet Coke and flavored protein shakes and arguing that this fresh take on the classic filthy soda might offer a delicious, protein-heavy drink.

My Protein Diet Coke Experience

The idea of a protein diet Coke piqued my interest, and I decided to give it a spin myself. Fairlife Core Power Vanilla High Protein Milk Shake, a product well-known for its creamy consistency and high protein count, was my pick for the protein shake. I chose a vintage fountain Diet Coke for the beverage as many fans claim it tastes better than canned forms.

I started by filling most of my cup with Diet Coke. Then, I added just a spoonful of the protein shake, enough to alter the color without overpowering the Coke.

I became enthralled by the possible tastes when I combined the two. With the creamy shake accentuating the soda’s sweetness, I expected the mix to produce a beverage evocative of Vanilla Coke.

A Unexpected Taste Test

But when I had my first drink, I was shocked. The drink was shockingly tasteless rather than the expected vanilla-infused cola flavor. The protein shake tasted great and brought back memories of a melting vanilla milkshake, but adding Diet Coke appeared to negate the taste.

Neither the Coke nor the protein shake stayed true in this unusual marriage. I was perplexed at how such a great mix could come out so boring since the typical sweetness of Diet Coke had vanished. This seemed to me as a lost opportunity.

Suggestions for Development

Although the concept of a protein diet Coke is interesting and fits present health trends, I think the execution could be much improved. Though the idea has value, the flavor combination falls well short of the ideal.

One possible fix is to choose a beverage already with vanilla undertones instead of the simple cola taste of Diet Coke. To improve the whole flavor profile, for example, try Dr. Pepper, root beer, or even a real Vanilla Coke.

The double vanilla mix would probably provide a richer, more fulfilling drink where all components complement one another instead of fighting one another.

On the other hand, classic dirty soda recipes could still be king for individuals seeking a sweet and tasty experience free of the protein component.

Directly mixing Coffee-mate or Torani syrups into your cola will produce an interesting beverage that tastes significantly more decadent than the protein variation. Although it doesn’t have much protein, the taste is much more delicious, so it’s a reasonable trade-off.

Connectivity and Community

Beyond the beverages themselves, the camaraderie, the filthy soda movement, and the show it spawned foster make them appealing. While dirty soda is a cultural touchstone that pulls people together, The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives highlights the life of women who negotiate the complexity of faith, family, and social media.

Soda stores such as Swig serve as gathering places for friends to savor innovative drinks and share times of connection. The emergence of the dirty soda fad emphasizes how food and drink may go beyond simple consumption and become a means of socializing and connecting.

It’s amazing to observe how cultural customs change in the era of social media when TikHub challenges and viral trends can go like wildfire. From a localized delicacy, dirty soda has evolved into a phenomenon a larger audience enjoys, allowing everyone to have fun.


The dirty soda trend and its most recent development into protein Diet Coke offers a wonderful mix of nostalgia, inventiveness, and community connection as The Secret Lives of Mormon Wives continues to enthrall viewers.

Although my experience with Protein Diet Coke left much to be desired, I applaud the experimental attitude driving this movement.

Whether you’re savoring a classic dirty soda or experimenting with the newest protein variety, the core of the trend is its capacity to unite people, start discussions, and generate unforgettable events.

For now, I will stick to my traditional filthy soda or maybe try creating some original, inventive mixtures likely to satisfy the taste receptors. After all, food and drink are intended to be savored, shared, and enjoyed!

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